Primary Member Name: User is not logged in.User is not logged in.
Membership ID: User is not logged in.
Membership Level: User is not logged in.
Account state: User is not logged in.
Membership expiration date: User is not logged in.
Important notes:
Family memberships:
Only for people living in the same household.
Children must be 23 or younger on June 30 2025.
We will be updating the waiver in the next few months. You can postpone submitting it for now.
Venmo is the preferred way to pay for membership and for lodge stays. Follow these instructions to set up a new account.
Do not pay for lockers. Locker information will be sent in the newsletter.
Click this link to review and update your profile.
Please check for errors, missing/outdated emergency contact.
Our system does not allow users to change their membership level. To make changes, please email the membership chair
Membership dues.
$225 Family, $150 Single, $125 Senior Single, $20 Senior Silver (no lodge) + $25 late fee for payments after June 30 2024.
Do not pay for lockers. Follow the newsletter for updates on lockers.